Love is …. Gold for Warts

So if it is true we can’t love our children any more than we can love ourselves -how do we practice self-love and what are warts and gold to do with it? We are always told Love is a Verb – a doing word. The moment you become a mother this really hits home. ‘I [...]

Love is …. Gold for Warts2016-12-23T15:12:55+00:00

Has motherhood changed you?

I'd love to hear your experiences - here is why... Mary Cassatt - Rosenwald Collection When I became a mother the whole axis of my life shifted. I was knocked sideways by being the person ultimately responsible for this tiny miracle every moment of every day and night, regardless of who else [...]

Has motherhood changed you?2022-04-17T17:38:56+00:00

I needed to reintroduce creativity into my life…

  Helen Hunter has recently launched 'colourful beautiful things' a website, showcase and blog that features beautifully designed and lovingly made things.  For me her website is the perfect Artists' date  - an ideal way to coax your inner artist out of hiding and give a very clear message that creativity and joy are highly [...]

I needed to reintroduce creativity into my life…2013-04-25T19:44:37+00:00

“The minute I walked into the community choir, started singing and heard the sound of 40 people singing in harmony together I felt truly born again” Helen Yeomans

                                                                                                    "When I was at school I was persuaded to take an academic path and somehow ended up with a degree in Geography. This was followed by careers in fashion retailing and buying and running my own restaurant in Brixton, London. Satisfying to a degree and successful, but I was always left 'wanting' [...]

“The minute I walked into the community choir, started singing and heard the sound of 40 people singing in harmony together I felt truly born again” Helen Yeomans2022-04-17T17:21:46+00:00

Tired of set-backs obscuring your new horizon?

What happens to our courageous convictions when we have one too many set backs? Since mid January my world has been blighted by family illnesses, lots of them.  My conviction that I needed to let my work evolve more mindfully, which included taking time for myself, felt like it was being stretched rice-paper thin. Work became [...]

Tired of set-backs obscuring your new horizon?2013-04-16T10:52:28+00:00

Being made redundant was my saving grace…

Need inspiration to take that leap?  Anna Stewart, who runs her own catering business Cuisine Maison, tells us how she made the leap from being stuck in a job she didn’t enjoy to running a company that really suits her personality. What is Cuisine Maison? It is good food cooked from home using high quality [...]

Being made redundant was my saving grace…2016-12-13T12:43:43+00:00

When your New Year’s resolutions become another ‘to do list’. How about the permaculture approach to personal change?

This New Year I didn’t make any resolutions.  Obviously as a life and career coach I have thought a fair bit about the things I’d like to see in 2012 but I didn’t do resolutions.  Then on January 1st two lovely friends came and helped me change my website, something I definitely had in mind to do.  What [...]

When your New Year’s resolutions become another ‘to do list’. How about the permaculture approach to personal change?2013-04-16T10:53:17+00:00
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